
By pattons6


No one move. No one say a word. I am in my cot, lying down with my eyes closed. That is as far as mummy is going to say after last night.

Last night I didn't sleep. Now when mummy says I didn't sleep, I did have an hour & a half before midnight. After that I was up. I fed, danced, rolled over, chatted away to my sleeping daddy. Hit him, cuddled him, slavered on him, pulled his hair then shouted but still he slept on. Mummy was up with me all night. Then at 6.30 she told daddy to get up with me. Well of course, I was then ready to sleep. I slept from then until 9.30.

So tonight, mummy has made sure my routine had been followed, my tummy full, clean nappy, cosy sleep suit & soft blanket. Now I am lying in my cot. May it stay that way....

Today we went shopping. I was very good if a little grumpy as I was tired. There was lots of food for me to try. The only thing I didn't try was coffee & spicy noodles. My own little buffet.

My sister managed to come home from nursery with a hole in her tights. How she got it no one knows.

Tonight she announced that she would like a giraffe from Santa.

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