Over the fields

I took this from the car today on the way back from seeing Steph the physio at the Centre this afternoon.

Steph thought that I was doing so well that I need not use the crutches any longer & so I am down to 1 stick only which is F.A.B. I still won't drive until my 6 weeks is up but I'm doing good after just 3.5 weeks. I've got lots more exercises to do as well as plenty (ish) of walking. She suggests that I carry on with pain killers for a while longer despite stopping the morphine a few days ago. I can also lay on my side rather than just on my back so that will be bliss tonight !!

Home now battening down the hatches in readiness for when the tail end of Hurricane Abigail hits us later on tonight. Stay safe everyone !

Yet another mild day & I saw some sun today.

Thanks everyone for cheering me on !

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