
By Croft16

1st snow..

Last night, the wind increased through the evening. Camera club finished early, to allow people to get home. And we weren't doing much..

Disturbed sleep all night, with the wind whistling around the eves.
Woke this morning with the polytunnel OK. And then saw the shattered glass. 5 panes had come out of the greenhouse, plus the two triangular pieces at one end. The triangles were still intact, as was one piece which had just "popped out". Another piece had come out of the roof, and balanced, wedged in the space it had come out of. Two large and one small pane were smashed. It's safety glass, so shatters into minute pieces, ad makes it very difficult to clear up. The edges are needle sharp, so had to keep Tanni well away.

Checked my neighbours houses, three of them, and they got away with no damage. A had a compost bin by his shed last night. It was blown over a wall, into his new courtyard garden, and then across to his greenhouse, where it was propped up against the door. It's now in his shed.

Spent the rest of the day, between showers, clearing up the glass. We have an old Dyson vacuum, and fitted with the long thin attachment thingy, was ideal for sucking the glass up. It loos like the pane came out whole, and only smashed on impact with the ground some distance away. The shards where then carried in the wind 20 or 30 foot away. And on loose stone chippings. I've spent 3 or 4 hours sucking up every bit I could see, and now think it's safe for Tans. Still have the end near the house to clear up. And then put some new glass in.

Would I choose tempered safety glass again? I don't think so, it is so difficult to clean up. It may be safer if there are young children running about, but not in my situation..

A view of Foinaven, with the first dusting of snow this winter. It's now turned cold, and the wind is getting up again..

Eggs tonight.. Think we're driving round with them..

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