Gitama's World

By Gitama

Dove Lake.........The Magnificent Cradle Mountains

I can’t tell you how sore I am from spending nearly 4 hours traversing Dove Lake…(a bit like being hit by a  Mac Truck)…..up and down rickety rock steps..(thanks to SH a real gentleman helped me down and up  some of them). I have to say I don’t feel so bad right now as I swallowed a couple of pain killers….hahahahahaha.
Need to be fitter for the next time I come back. No Jen we didn’t make it for Sunrise…i reckon it would of been gorgeous..or even sunset.

What to say it was worth it (easy to say in the comfort and close proximity to my bed for the night)………really though…it was a very magnificent day….awesome views from every angle…..I loved being out there…a total privilege to be in the illustrious company of those Mountains……….and walking through Ballroom forest was special…the trees really did look like they were dancing. 

Again I could wax on all night about The Lake and Mountains beauty and virtues…..but as it seems to be….again….. I am so tired …..and internet access is very slim…….out of the 350 + pics I took today I had to choose one quickly………again I could be here all night……I will enjoy looking at them properly when I get home.
I am  hoping I can post this…….SH reckons he can connect me up.

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