Family Dog

By Family_Dog

rice pod...

To you, this might well look like a photo of an ipod nestled in a container of uncooked basmati rice. And you might well be right.

I know the truth, though. I know that this is a visual poke in the eye from THE UNIVERSE, reminding me - Abi Cornwall - not to get too cock sure of myself and my place in the world around me.

THE UNIVERSE (aka Da Management) has flexed it's muscles once again in this game of Tug o' War I seem to have accidentally entered into with it when I wasn't really paying attention. Must have been asleep. Must have been half pissed and not really listening to the rules when I signed up.

HEEEEAAAAVVVVEEEE go I...the tied bit of hanky on the rope edging over the half way line towards my side. HEEEAAAAAVVVVVEEEEE there I go - I'm off! I'm having a great time. My life is perfectly balanced between having the tough bits (the no money, the lack of sleep, the never seeming to lose weight) and the great bits (the wonderful family, the beautiful children, the friends that seem to come back no matter how massive a dick I am when I'm pissed). HEEAAAAAVE I go, pulling back that bit of life that is mine, that is wonderful, that is full of love and light and laughter.

Hah! UNIVERSE, I say. There! I got it. I W.I.N!!! I had a wonderful time with my family & friends. I ruffle my feathers with self satisfaction. Not only was my weekend full of absolute delight but furthermore I get three loads of muddy camping washing done and on the line and I am not only feeling like life is bloody perfect, but I am also GREAT at getting housework done.

Heh. Heh. Heh.

In response, THE UNIVERSE doesn't need to HHEEEAAAAVE, doesn't really give too much of a shit what I think, you know - what with it being THE UNIVERSE and all that. It gives a slight flick of it's wrist, a sniff, a bit of a pitying head shake as it nods in the general direction of the washing machine. I open the door. A bottle opener. A lighter. A torch.

An indication that I may have washed something without checking the pockets. Oh shit. Bry's jacket. And inside the pocket? All clean as a whistle and shiny and bright...Bry's ipod.

Me: 0

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