
I can hardly believe what I did today. I was aiming for a target time of four hours and fifteen minutes, but realistically expected around four hours twenty. However, I crossed the line with four hours and thirteen minutes on the clock but, after taking off the seven minutes walking time to reach the start line, I am expecting a net time of four hours and five minutes. That would be a full twenty-two minutes after my previous best time of four hours and twenty seven minutes. Next time, my target will definitely be three hours fifty-nine minutes so that I can finally have a sub-four under my belt.

A lovely, soothing sento (public bath) courtesy of a free ticket and a delicious meal of fish and chips at Brugge Restaurant with my friend Randy, aka The Kansai Runner, made this a perfect day.

Update - just checked my net time, it was four hours and six minutes!

Extra - running pals Randy Poehlman and Hamish Fraser

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