The hunt pt1

Awoke this morning to posts and messages from friends who had been evacuated from their homes in Kendal - expected the worst when we took Pushka out - but its seems to have skirted by us - quite a bit of localised flooding in the fields - but the main becks and the Lune were running high but in their banks.
The weather has stayed awful all day though - we had a family event at Ravenstonedale & I'd thought to blip the river raging there - but it was so torrential that I gave up on that idea quite quickly. 683 blips in & I still don't like blipping people - arriving home in the dark I remembered the spiders from earlier in the week - a quick look and sure enough the drystone walls, window reveals - well everywhere really were alive with them - so I grabbed a few quick shots & liked this one best. 
I've had the idea for a moth trap for a while from ChrisCant & DarkEyedMary's trail cam has inspired me - so I think that this winter I shall put some effort into learning how to photograph the beasties that I find.

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