From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

You won't be talking to me anymore after this....

I don't know about anyone else but I'm finding it really difficult to get up the enthusiasm at the moment for taking photos. Being soaked every time you step out and uninspiring skies don't exactly help to lift the spirits. I should be practising miserable sky pictures instead of whining really.

Anyway, I have no idea whether the bird on the left is a rook, a raven, or a crow. I'll go with raven as that fits in better with this quite awesome but terrifying music. I had a serious attack of the jitters after listening to this. I like horror films but can't watch them alone - watched with about a hundred people would be best and then constant company especially at night for about a month is required after viewing to avoid nightmares! How pathetic I am!

Be grateful! I nearly added Cliff Richard's 'We Don't Talk Anymore' to this although even the mention of it has started to make the dratted tune go through my head.... Now we are talking horror....

The Omen Theme

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