From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

I'm stuck for words!

I'm serious! This is one of those rare times in my life when I can't think of a thing to say. Stop laughing at the back. I know I say this sort of thing quite a lot but not today.

I felt a bit sorry for squirrel yesterday as he'd clearly hurt one of his front paws and couldn't get up to the bird feeder, not that he should have been up there anyway but when I saw him limp along today but then manage a successful jump at the third attempt, I thought I'd leave him alone and not bang on the window. I was glad about that as it was the only picture I got all day. It started chucking it down before lunch and that was it; misery descended.

After a very busy afternoon's work, I went into the kitchen and was delighted to see my favourite pigeon smiling in the window and winking at me. I was leaning against the washing machine which had stopped ten minutes earlier to get a clear, close shot when I slipped a bit and ended up pressing the start button again so off it went for another cycle. Sod it! Pigeon flew off startled at me clunking against the window pane so that was that. Humph!

Good job I had a lovely chat after I had sighed with resignation and the sun reappeared for a while....

Track? This is in complete defiance to the weather and it was on the radio earlier too. Some ELO for you - Mr Blue Sky

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