From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Wild and Woody?

One thing all this rain is good for is plant growth! When I arrived here on March the 8th on the day Dad died, I don't suppose I noticed much of anything. It's always been nice and well ordered in this bit of Ayr. As the weeks have gone on, it's got greener and greener, probably as much as a result of me starting to appreciate colour again as much as anything.

I've spent ages sat on a chair arm here staring out of the window (and probably got a reputation as a nosey old bag at the same time) watching two pigeons do a weird figure of eight never-ending marching routine while squirrels dart about in the tree branches or across the lawns.

On another rainy day when I couldn't persuade Mom to go out with me, I took this picture from my chair arm lookout spot. I must ask those people who live in that house opposite if I can take pictures in their garden, especially under that green arch. It's like The Secret Garden, isn't it? (It's not that secret if I can see it though).

Something a bit gentle from the Modfather today for you! Paul Weller is a fine songwriter, I must say...

Wild Wood

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