Simply Me

By Suze981

Do we have to go?

Mommy, do we have to go to the vets? I want to play...

Giles had his first trip to the vet today. I meant to blip it, but I completely forgot. I was too worried about negotiating the cat carrier and the car. Giles does not like to be trapped somewhere - he hates the cat carrier. He's fine once the door is open though.

You'll be pleased to know that he's lovely and healthy. He comes in at 0.7 kilos. The vet had to use the mini scales for 'small furries'. She was impressed at how friendly he was and how receptive he was to her.

Sadly though, the wee tike has fleas. I thought as much (the lady who sold him to me had numerous other animals and had him outside on occasion). The vet gave him a worm and flea treatment, once she figured out that the was JUST big enough, in weight, to have the treatment. I also bought a flea spray for the house - kill the little buggers! I'm now £40 down, but it's worth it. We've made our next appointment for his vaccinations too.

We're now home, Giles has played with the vets receipt (he prefers paper to any of his toys) and is totally wiped out, asleep on the couch beside me

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