Simply Me

By Suze981

Some of my favourite things...

I swear I wasn't going to blip Giles again today. I'm picking my folks up from the airport later and I was going to get a plane shot.

But I'm sat here, surrounded by my some of my favourite things and I suddenly thought that was what a 'Simply Me' blip should be about.

My Runner's World magazine was delivered this morning (Don't worry, i haven't stopped running - I was out last night and will be tomorrow too). So I'm here on my couch, reading about the 1948 Olympics (the last time we hosted it), Muse is on in the background and a can of coke zero is on the table beside me.

Of course Giles decided to get in on the action too. This seems to be his favourite place to crash out, just under my chin! I don't have the heart to move him...Yup he owns me already!

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