
By LadyPride

Colief and Stone Roses

This will be a short blip. Tiredness has beaten me. Another all nighter with Audrey screaming the house down. Sense of humour failure, tears and a trip to see the pharmacist to discuss options. She definitely has colic, now diagnosed. Great. 1 in 5 babies get it. It had to be our baby didn't it? Pharmacist (and many many friends with babies) recommend Colief. At 13 quid a bottle for 7ml it had better work. But when it comes to an inconsolable screaming child for a few hours a night, it's a small price to pay.

In other news we went to Australasia (restaurant) during Audrey's lunchtime nap. Ate beautiful food, sat near Mani from the Stone Roses (the whole of Manchester seemed to be getting ready for the gig later) and actually had a non-baby related conversation with my husband for once.

Audrey slept quietly in her swanky booth oblivious to the trendy surroundings and neighbouring rock stars. I mean come on, she has to save her energy for 3am....she has her own gig to perform at. Sigh.

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