
By scharwenka

Pinnacles and chimneys

We were at a 'function' in college this evening. Leaving at about 10:45 pm we were greeted by this lovely sight.

Tom Quad is very beautiful and peaceful, with almost no-one around: no tourists, no undergraduates! But what struck us particularly were the various steeples, pinnacles and chimneys silhouetted against the sky beyond the crenellations of the college itself.

We are only a week beyond Midsummer, and the sky is still quite light at this time of day. But this is the first time since the solstice that the sky has been cloudless, so that we could enjoy that light. Even when we reached home, about 30 minutes later, the light had by no means faded completely: stars were only just beginning to appear.

And this 'function'? I have to admit it was another occasion of eating and drinking too well. I'm not going to use this opportunity for another set of food photographs, but I thought readers might like this picture of a highly decorated fish, about to get the chop!

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