From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Bad Hair Day!

I do not want to hear anyone laughing or sniggering.

I decided to get a nice gentle perm to liven up my feathers in time for a hot date next week. Now look at the state of me! With all this dratted rain, I have gone ridiculously curly round the beak! I'm just keeping my claws crossed that it will flatten out a bit by Wednesday or I will be doomed! Those cheeky whippersnapper starlings have been taking the &@!!?%## out of me all morning and I am on the verge of going round to see the parents to complain! Mind you, I wouldn't put much faith in their kind of discipline. Humph! Why did they have to have sixteen of them anyway? They are always squabbling and making a terrible racket. Tinkers, they are!

I knew it was a bad idea to try out a new feather-style before my exciting date. Bloody hell! I'll be lucky to get a peck on the beak at this rate never mind a squawktastic time where the trees move and the leaves all fall off!

I'm not going back to that salon again! Just as well I didn't go for a blue rinse! All my feathers would have dropped out all together.

Ooo and those rude robins! How dare they! I thought the blue tits were whistling at me when I heard them yell
'Cock a doodle doo!' as I walked past but then the robin said
'Ha! The state of that thing? More cock a doodle don't!'

They all thought it was hilarious tittering away. I'm going to sit here until my feathers straighten out.....

Track? Well, this great number was played on the radio today and I hadn't heard it for ages. Time for some Slade - Coz I Luv You

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