Fruitful day - ish!

Blue skies and sunshine and no headache! Up early to open friends chickens, luckily Ebay Boy closed them for me last night ( Party Girls mum doesn't trust him to do it even though he lives on the same patch of land!) I took these grapes in their garden, and discovered that no matter how I try to hold the camera with the Sigma 70-300mm, on full zoom I cannot hold it still so it will have to be the tripod! 
Tilly had a little wander round the garden and kitchen and then Friend and I went to the Food Fair at Cotehele. It was heaving with people! I hadn't expected to buy anything but as it turns out......! I couldn't resist Tarquins Dry Gin! Made in Cornwall and has Devon Violets and orange zest for an "aromatic experience unlike any other!" They are not lying either! I'm rather partial to Bombay Sapphire but this is even better! I then went on to buy mini quiche /pies - crab and ginger, mackerel and a waldorf! Then I saw The Brownie Lady and came away with a peanut butter and salted caramel slice and a hazelenut praline! Oh and a good wedge of Cornish Gouda cheese! Did I mention the mediterranean pie?! Oh and the Lime Cloud drink with pear, apple and lime juice and natural limeflower extract and matcha green tea?!! What a great outing!
Back home for a little pruning in the garden and another roam for Tilly - then my girls on the allotment and another incinerator load and putting friends chickens to bed. Home for Strictly final! This is where the "ish" bit comes in. Amelia my snake had a partial moult over a month ago, and I had to ease off the dead skin with a warm wet flannel. Since then she has not eaten, at first I thought it was the mice, maybe a duff batch. So I bought other ones - still she wouldn't eat. Then I thought she was going into another moult as her skin darkened, but nothing happened and still no interest in mice. Tonight I looked in and saw her tail end is bloated and a bright colour - she obviously has some blockage. I have no intention of disturbing her when unwell, and fear her rear end could burst if handled - plus how to get an over  5 ft snake to the vets in cold weather. So I shall call them tomorrow and see if they have anyone familiar with snakes that will do a home visit. I really have no idea what they can do for her - how does one give a snake antibiotics on a regular basis aside from injecting her? Would they want to scan and perhaps operate? Can one operate on a snake? Would I even go down that route? I will hopefully find the answers to all these questions tomorrow. I hate seeing my pets ill, particularly when I and they have to wait to be seen, and am kicking myself I didn't get her checked out sooner - it may be too late now, just hope she is not in pain. 
P.S.  I didn't agree with the Strictly result! 

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