
Another monday another coop clean and load in the incinerator! It was a frosty start and everything looked magical but swiftly melted in the morning sun! I rang the vets before leaving ( sorry girls for a late open!) and they recommended I called the specialists in Ivybridge, the other side of Plymouth. They were going to get the Exotic Vet to ring me back when he came in at 3. So I cleaned the bathroom and watered the indoor plants, and cleaned Tilly's coop - then I had an eat and a snooze! Still no call by 7 but I thought once the eve surgery was done he would - but he didn't. I'm getting a little frantic as I have a feeling the longer it goes the worse she will get. So I will give it till 10 am tomorrow then phone again.
Blown away by Lady C's performance in I'm a Celebrity - talk about stiff upper lip! Just putting my head in a confined space would freak me out let alone being in there with a load of critters! I can handle locusts, crickets, mealworms and snakes - but not if they are trying to crawl up or in my orifices!

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