My crazy son

This is the only picture I took today. Of a crazy A hanging upside down! Honestly...he loves it! And will go upside down at any opportunity. I think he may have been a bat it a past life.

We spent the day at G&G's house. We had a delicious roast with all the trimmings. Not forgetting my homemade treacle tart which went down very nicely. The Scaletrix was set up and P loved playing with grandad. She thought it was great when the cars flew off the track and A was only too happy to keep collecting them.

Unfortunately the day ended with A getting a split lip. Running too fast on the wooded floor. Splat! My poor boy. We had lots of cuddles and he even fell asleep on my for his nap, which he never does. I loved the cuddles but did feel sorry for him and his swollen lip.

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