Da Norna

It's been a warmer day, fairly mild for November but it's rained most of the day.  There's been a few dry spells this evening.

The poor day has given us a quiet day in the museum.  There has been various folk in but not many.  My lunchtime walk was short and brief but I did manage to get out for a bit.  Been down to see granny at the care centre,  she was tired this evening but she enjoyed the old family photos I took down for her.  I popped along Bro Jonny and family on my way home.  Working in the pub tonight.

My winter photo project is to snap the progress of the Norna being restored.  The Norna is one of the old Oceanic lifeboats and was washed up at Eshaness and then off to Bressay, and used as the Bressay ferry, later ended up in Yell.  She's in a bad way just now but experts, Robbie Tait and Jack Duncan will soon get under way with it :)  Here's Jack and Robbie started to remove the old boards.  Taken in the museum boat shed at Hay's Dock, Lerwick.

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