Wherever next?

By aime

Tucker takes Jenn for a walk

The coldest day of the winter so far we are told. Crisp and clear and just above freezing.  It was colder in 1777 when General George Washington billeted 10000 troops here during the War of Independence. Yet another bit of American History I previously knew nothing about.
Luckily we had packed layers of Rohan's finest so we coped admirably with our first outing in New Jersey on the first day of our extended holiday.
Later we hit a "Cheers" like bar in Morristown to taste a wide range of craft beers enthusiastically pushed on us by the enthusiastic owner who just happened to be a golfing buddy of Bill Blinn. Predictably, we rather over did it and struggled to do justice to the "All you can eat for $24.95" Sushi meal that followed. We were tuckered out.

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