Tussock Tales

By TussockTales


Winter mornings in Wanaka are usually calm. Every June we see lots of our friends taking off for warmer climes, mostly in Aus but frankly this time of the year can be wonderful. We tend to get days without wind and although it can be in minus territory at sun up, just pop on a jacket, woolly hat and gloves and you are good to go. My soft coated coat seems to work pretty good 'Cos I just don't seem to get cold. Well I was shivering after the swim with the Irish Lasses but that was wet too.
Being away from the coast we don't get the coastal wind and there is no doubt that Christchurch or Dunedin can be totally frigid at this time of year. So I don't go there. OK..Well not entirely my choice but although I have travelled, on my own I might add, to Palmerston North once (on an aeroplane as well) I really prefer Cromwell and The Ripponvale THC (Tussocks Holiday Camp). THC has a special meaning to older NZ'ers as it stood for Tourist Hotel Corporation which was a Govt owned chain of hotels around the country. This was in the day when men were men, dogs were dogs and tourists were sought after by the Government but they were not in sufficient numbers for private enterprise to get interested. Funnily enough ALL the THC hotels burnt down. Well I blame the lack of adds on TV for smoke alarms. Errr maybe also the lack of TV to have adds on about smoke alarms too I guess.
Ok so now you know a great bit of NZ history.
Oh the pic. Nothing much to say really but it was really calm this morning.

Click to get your feet wet.

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