How will I know???
ABC of Troon... F is for Fullarton Courtyard...
This is all that remains of Fullarton House.
Originally, I thought this was the residence of the Duke of Portland - the nobleman who was responsible for the development of the Harbour in Troon and subsequent industry which formed from it -Shipbuilding, and Railways.
The Duke of Portland supplied Troon with "Portland Park, Portland Street, et all, and guess what, his surname was "Bentinck" ; another street name; his middle name was "Cavendish" Another one; Wow - his children's names included "Yorke, Dallas, Crosbie, Morven; and his country house in Nottingham was "Welbeck House".
However, Fullarton House was built by the "Fowlertouns" on land granted to them by the High Steward of Scotland, James; who was a side-kick of Robert the Bruce. They were originally Fowlers to the King - hence the name "Fowlertons". The house was massive, with posts to the front and four pillars to the rear ; The four pillars to the rear still stand, I was looking at them today, and apparently when Built they had stone hawks on them as a nod to their profession.
Apparently. Louis Nelson visited ... Never in my life have I heard this. The pages also say that Robert Burns "possibly" stayed there, but then again, every place in Ayrshire makes that claim - the fact that it is in Ayrshire makes it pretty fair game that he might have been; had there been women present who were willing to put it about a bit, so much more the likely.
Aha! I Discover that the last of the Fullartons, left the estate in 1803, to become the Governor of Trinidad - wow you don't think of local lads immigrating to you? But then the estate was sold to the Duke of Portland - I KNEW he had something to do with it. The local council bought the estate in 1928, and rented out as flats, but the building fell into disrepair and was demolished in 1966.
So all that remains are the beautiful courtyard houses, some pet graves in the shade of the grand trees surrounding the courtyard, beautiful forest walks, and a playpark.
More recently, fairies have taken up residence - I have not seen the woods busy for years.
Plus photo - see bottom right; My Da standing outside the original Fullarton House - standing probably where the car park is situated now.
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