Sally Hart

By rosiecatwoman

Blue Tit

Sunlight this morning &  the Birds so busy Chavo is drawn out through cat flap. These wee beauties move so fast, I have trouble catching them. They seem to like eating the flowers from this yellow shrub & I really like the way the morning sun illuminates them.
I spent a tedious afternoon yesterday at the Urology clinic, they try to do all tests in one visit : good plan in principle, but I had to keep reminding the receptionist I was still waiting for the next thing. It sharpened up my assertiveness !!.
Nothing of note found & I was able to persuade the good consultant not to subject me to Cystoscopy given that Bladder & Kidney scan is normal. We agreed it would probably activated a Cystitis ( the last thing I want ), so we laughed that Protocols are there to be broken. Hoorah for a bit of common sense. So keep drinking the water & 6mnths of steroid. 

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