Gifts of Grace

By grace


Fabulous light bouncing everywhere this morning.

Up in the city for lunch with O from Samye Ling weekend.  
Delicious lunch, delightful sharing of discoveries.
She's going through a mini version of my ongoing ramble, same context everything.  
What a laugh we had, wonderful for the horror of this mini-drama to be completely understood.

O went off to run the country and I went to see the Steve Jobs movie.
Intense, super-intense, with dialogue as fast and sharp as The West Wing at its best.  I cried frequently.  Last night I wept my way through a documentary about the final flight of the Vulcan Bomber.   Earlier in the day more tears listening to poet Lynn Hill reflecting on her time as a drone pilot.  I think it's the human cost paid by all the people involved working at the absolute limit of their physical, intellectual and spiritual resources, doing the best they know to do, that got me.  Heart-opening stuff.

Thanks to everyone who has chipped in on the thinking aloud series.  I'll get back to that/you presently, a couple of nights too excited to sleep has left me weak at the knees with tiredness.  Early night, sweet dreams.  

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