A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

In the tank

Not the drunk tank. Though we are teetering on the brink of Christmas and Carl is going to New York this week so it would sort of fit.

But he's not quite there yet having first set off for a brief stopover in Boston. Where his flight fortunately didn't feature any oxygen. Well not more than the usual sort so he doesn't quite get to join in the oxygen theme of the rest of this blip...

Anna spent her inset day on a play date with a couple of friends at Oxygen Freejumping, the mega trampolining place where she had her birthday party.

And J somehow found the resources to get himself into the tank for his first full oxygen session. He wears a mask with pure oxygen coming in one tube and leaving via another. He found it a little claustrophobic as the tubes limit movement and I can understand why he felt a little trapped. And of course once you are "down" (1.5 atmospheres) you can't leave until the session is over. But there were two other people in with us and they wouldn't have known he was struggling. He controlled himself and kept himself calm so well; I was so proud of him. And of course for even doing it. I'm not sure what will happen next but for logistical reasons we have two rest days and then we'll see if he can do a session on Thursday. I daren't hope too much but I have a feeling he will summon it up again and do it and hopefully it will start to get easier for him. He collapsed in the car on the way back and was very tired until bedtime but he did rally a little in between and recovered better than I would have expected.

Lesley x

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