Tiny Pink Flowers

Today I have been busy with getting up my blip from yesterday which took longer than excepted, getting my presents wrapped up to sent to Canada, insurance companies and lawyers.

The sign of date for the completion of the house contract had been extended to December 4th from December 1st and still we are having trouble getting all the information about the earthquake sign off papers from the other lawyer. He is retired and seems to have gone awol. Also my lawyer can't find the permit to build the property. I have had to get more information from the council at a cost! Hopefully that well arrive tomorrow.

With being in a earthquake zone it is really hard to get insurance on any house now. They wanted the EQC sign of form too. So one hold up after another. Just wish it would all go a bit more smoothly! I should know by tomorrow if they will insure the property. Fingers crossed!

I am not too sure on the name for this plant. It is a bush and is covered all these beautiful little pink flowers. Someone may know!

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