Countryside living

This is a snapshot I took one day on my way to work. As you can see, my way to work these days is a bit different from what it used to be. Before it was tourists, now it's sheep.

It's a lovely walk when the weather is nice, as I can enjoy really beautiful sunrises but, when it rains, it can be rather muddy, slippery, wet and cold... Being a city girl, it also comes with a bit of adventure... I've fallen in the mud twice and I've got off the bus in the wrong place twice too. Buses in the countryside pick you up and let you off wherever you want, which is great, but to me the countryside looks all the same and I get really confused. I need shops and pubs as references! Hahaha!

Thank god as well I got myself a pair of wellies and a warm waterproof coat. Umbrellas are of no use whatsoever in here!

The cottage I'm staying at the moment is only provisional accomodation though, just until I move to Anstruther in January. On my days off I travel  back to Edinburgh.

The other day I went to a great whisky tasting in St Andrews by John Glaser from Compass Box. I did really enjoy it but thank god I got a lift to the cottage because I'm pretty sure that, after all those whiskies, I would still be looking for the cottage by now! Hahahaha! :D

I'm sure I'll get used to the area soon. I hope, anyway....

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments. Hope you're all well. Take care xx

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