Step Cautiously

By alixmarie11

Save the Wolves!

I am part of an organization at Marist called SEED (Students Encouraging Environmental Dedication). One of the events that the clubs does every two years is a Wolf Lecture. They bring in 3 live wolves and let them roam among the students. There is obviously limited space and you need to get there early to get a good seat, but I got there in plenty of time and got a seat right up front.

Two people from a summit in Colorado came to educate us on the growing concern for the wolf population. These creatures were so beautiful. I video taped some of the lecture for a class I had and oh my goodness, these animals are so misunderstood. At the risk of sounding like the world's next PETA advocate, I really do think we need to let these animals have their home back.

It shocks me how territorial and dominating the human race has become. We refuse to live with any other species. We have to control everything. And yes, a large part of that comes from how developed we have become, but really, it seems so unnecessary. Like this morning, there was no reason for me to kill the tiny bug that was crawling on my floor. But out of instinct I did. What ever happened to co-existing? When did that completely exit out way of life?

"Everything is matter, therefore, everything matters."

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