Step Cautiously

By alixmarie11


Went in to the city yet again today. Went to see How to Succeed In Business Without Really trying starring Daniel Radcliff! That's right, Harry Potter and I were in the same building! :D Eeep. He is quite gorgeous too by the way.

Spent the day with Jenna and had an amazing day. The sign that is in the picture above is from the Gourmet New York MarketPlace obviously. But this is probably my favorite place to eat in the city. There are a lot of little cafe and deli places in the city, but for some reason, this place is my favorite. When I live in the city one day, I will love to go to this place as often as I can.

Thinking about being here one day in the not so far future gives me chills. I mean yes, in the back of my mind I think that it may not happen and it's just a pipe dream, but I really do want to make this dream a reality. One day, I will be living in my own loft in the city and I will be working in the city everyday.

"When it comes to the future, there are three kinds of people: those who let it happen, those who make it happen, and those who wonder what happened."

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