Behind the Green Frog

This afternoon, Cynthia and I went to our third concert in three days, and ran into blipper ArtistAnnie with her husband, Arvin. C has a review of the concert in her blip.

After the concert I was a little thirsty, so we went to the Green Frog. C didn't like the old location, but was more impressed with the new premises, especially the large outdoor deck high above the alley behind the building. The fact that food is now available (and the menu includes salad), scored additional points with her.

After she'd had a glass of very tart cider -- similar like a sour beer -- she decided that the Frog might be worth another visit.

I had a glass of Wasteland Elderflower Saison, the 6th in a series of 12 Beers of the Apocalypse, from Elysian Brewing in Seattle. It was refreshing, but nothing to get excited about.

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