With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Banyalbufar cliffs

Where the lands slips over the edge into the sea as layers of fossilized mud. I had a lovely drive all the way down the coastroad, stopping here for coffee and on to St Elm for lunch. We watched the confused boats turn in the wind and currents, had half an hour in the sun digesting the chipirones and then a quick swim as a welcome storm rolled in. It was impressive and although I'd left the camera in the car to avoid the wet and the sand, I didn't regret missing getting a shot of the cloud bank, almost-twisters above the sea and the sand blasting across the beach. Instead I stood in the water and felt it, until the thrill became almost frightening. I was delighted to see a little girl playing in the waves with her brother and screeching with delight until the show was over. Atta girl!

Back in Soller there was only one thing to do in the evening. The storm had cleared the air fantastically. Cool air you can breath at last. It was a thrilling final (unless you were Italian) and Spain have done it again, with I think some of the most fabulous football I've seen any team play. A beautiful game. I couldn't help wishing that some of those tactics, skill, organisation and enthusiasm could be used by the politicans and financial institutions to clear up the mess they've made. We'll weather the storm, but not without some agony.

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