Into The Light!

As it was a nice sunny day and I needed yogurt to give Dotty her medication, I grabbed Portly Lucy from next door neighbour and set off down the village. It seemed such a long time since I had walked into the village that everything looked new yet  comfortingly familiar! The two actual  new things is that the building being built for Sew, Sell and Mend now has windows and doors! So I must get a photo of the old shop before she moves! The other new thing was the Christmas Lights on the Village Green - must go down and photograph them one eve! Friend and I missed the turning on as we were in Totnes. 
I was pleased to see the Wannabee Muscovy was still  with the real muscovies, they seem to have adopted her/him! They were drinking from a puddle in the road and playing chicken with the occasional car - what is it with these confused birds? Obviously feather brained! The seagulls were all lined up on the pontoon walkway and the ducks bobbing around on the river. I saw a few familiar humans too and waved and smiled and even chatted briefly to the Gallery owner - must go in there to see what Christmas goodies she has - she always has a Calstock Christmas card pen and ink she has drawn, in past years her drawings on mugs and the thing that dries up wet crockery! 

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