Spooky Woods

Damn and drat! just lost my write up and just haven't got the oomph to rewrite it! So in brief: - Retired school staff Xmas dinner - less people, good chat, good food! The ex head who is arranging it is moving so may not happen next year! 
I realise that due to blip my memory of days is far better - I look at the photo and the day comes rushing back! At the meal someone told me that forgetting the everyday names of things is just old age, when you forget what the thing actually does you need to be worried! That's a relief - couldn't remember the name of that piece of fabric that dries dishes the other day! 
The bridge is in the woods I had a spooky walk in last year with Kess - no matter the season or weather, it is always dark and dank and colder than anywhere else! Seems a fitting image for the winter and the end of things - no wonder people have always held celebrations this time of year - need something to brighten the gloom! Must put the rest of the decorations on the tree tomorrow !

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