Crazy About Birds

By Kimb

Twirled Thingamabob

This is a thoroughly fartnarkled thingamabob that has been hanging from our porch eaves for... ages. Ever since The Husband found it somewhere. I am adding an extra that will show you what it is when it hasn't had about three things done to it. The original shot was taken in the middle of the sunny afternoon with my iPhone using the Slow Shutter app. And then things were done subsequently. The *here's what it actually is* shot was taken just a moment ago as light was fading with a different camera and I had to back up a lot to get it focussed (my iPhone was busy downloading an update, so it declined to help me). But you can at least see what it was/is, the thingamabob. It just sort of swirls around when the wind blows.

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