
By Travelingkiwi


Thank you all for you good wishes, and with the result in same old story just one point again,3 of  us equal 2nd and in B grade 2 equal first it been close all year, just have to lift my game hmmm I thought I did oh well next year, I wasn't at all happy with my last entry but I didn't think it wasn't  worthy of a none acceptance, I was quite surprise at the ones that joined me. Murray Cave came  to the meeting it was nice to catch up with him again he explained the honours systems which was good and also showed us his set as examples. We have  a set subject and an Open an 3 grades A B C entry one o f what we or I consider to be the best image we have taken all year, my gold finches got a special mention Murray judged these images. Funny the image that won that a fine image it is, was thrown out last month, so there you go what appeals to one, but not to another, but hey we all know that. it's a pity we don't have a print section, I tried to bring it in when I started the club but the members just weren't interested the cost I guess.

Out to night drinks next door and off again tomorrow back down to Waikaia picking up a fisherman who has come out from Canada and he's selling some lens there could be one or to there that just might suite my needs.

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