
By Incredibish

Which one's Van?

So Janet feels I'm pushing her envelope a bit, but today's fourteen and a half mile wander around Amsterdam is a whole half mile less than yesterday's. Ok, we got a bit lost, but she ought to know better than to rely on my sense of direction.

Today was the Vincent van Goch museum. It was fantastic to see some of the original artwork that I've seen so very many times in hi res copy or adaption... To be honest I really liked Donald van Goch, who was the cover of May's Disney magazine.

The exhibition compared VVG with Muchen, but so my mind the comparison was very contrived. Ok, they both painted trees, both painted houses and both painted portraits. They both went mad a bit.

But they never met, never worked together, probably never knew each other. Nevertheless, the Scream was more of an intense experience than one might expect for crayon on carboard...

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