In An Instant

By MrRosewarne

'Packed n Ready'

An early start again this morning, it was one of my work colleagues birthdays today and we had arranged to all meet for breakfast at 'Simply French' a small cafe just down the road from work at 7:30am. Croissants, danishes and coffee's were the go. Really yummy.

Back to the office to tidy up all of the loose ends and clean my desk up.

Super hot day today, the temperature reached 45 degrees at one point on my commute home, but it's now dropped to about half of that at 9pm tonight.

Arrived home mid afternoon and started to pack things up. Just finished packing by around 8pm. You wouldn't believe it but we're having a shower of rain at the moment which is just heaven and cooling things down nicely as we're in for more of the same again tomorrow.

A super early start tomorrow as we need to arrive at Station Pier in Port Melbourne by 5:30am to start loading the ship.

This is the car all packed and ready to go in the morning, the extra shot today is a little passenger we found on Bella's bike as I was loading it onto the bike rack. Sorry froggy, you'll have to stay home this time.

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