twinned with trumpton


Last chance for mountaineering this year; me and Barry headed off to Argyll for Beinn Bhuidhe and my 173rd Munro; his 154th.
A subdued Baz rode shotgun after his team Christmas lunch on Friday, but by the time we got there, he was raring to go. 20km all in; it's a fairly nice walk in; about 90 minutes up a landrover track and good to be down low on a blustery day. Then the slog up the ravine, a couple of dodgy manoeuvres around slippery wet rocks, and up out of the ravine. Still not quite into the cloud; we plodded less steeply up, across some boggy bits and the twisting steep rocky ascent onto a howling summit ridge; a couple of times we strayed from the path as the narrow ledges were no place to be in those gusts. 3 hours 15 minutes later, we saw the summit; head down and touched the cairn and fled.
Soaked and battered by the wind; we descended quickly and decided to follow the hydro road down; as we came out the cloud we got (relatively) sheltered walking and decent views of greyness and indistinct bulks of other hills through the wind and intermittent rain.
And home by 6; bath and out for dinner at hers on the bike (it stretches different muscles and was quite easy...!)
Smoked mackerel pate on lettuce and fish with tomato olive coriander with diced pan fried courgette.

Drank a lot of beer (I'd worked up a thirst) but a great great evening. In fact a great great day; the hill was tough (more to do with conditions but made it seem more of an achievement)

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