twinned with trumpton


Up and logged on; thought I'd better get some stuff booked in for a day out on the bike. Despite being deep into December, it was a biking sorta day.

Door went at 8; I was expecting a delivery of her lad's Christmas present, but Tom opened the door to the fuzz - turns out a 14 year old lass has gone AWOL towards the end of last week. Turns out we saw her - i eventually worked out it was Saturday - but the boys were all excited - half a dozen police outside their door - why wouldn't they be?

Kids to school, and then a twenty minute phone call to an irate person as I walked to Leith for the first stop of the day.  And thereafter I had a fairly swift canter round my jobs for the day; surprisingly productive considering the work I put in to organise it all...!

I managed to squeeze in some shopping in town as I was passing; then even managed a school run too. Before getting home after 4. 

I did bunch of admin stuff for a couple of hours then decided hot bath / wrapping / Spanish bean stew was in order. Interspersed with phone calls, I eventually retired to bed with MOTD. 

(The girl went home Tuesday; safe and well; I knew that from what I saw on Saturday, but it was nice to have it confirmed)

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