Sheffield Rooftops

I stayed up late after the beery jollities replying to Blipfuture Facebook posts. Bleary in my attic room this was the view this morning.

Yesterday we checked out a few of the delis on the London Road - Sheffield's answer to hipster Portland. I got a cup of coffee that was really fab.

We drove up in what might be called a 'staggered convoy' (ie two hours apart) to Edinburgh in the sun. A good run in just over four and half hours.

The Principal is poorly in New York and we must buy food and presents tomorrow.

The responses to my latest blog seem fairly positive. I'm still puzzled by the low numbers of people pledging particularly as the 'pledge' is a reversible sign of intent to invest rather than the actual handing over of money. But this whole Blipfuture development and the parties involved and the proposals on the table are  a lot more complex than they appear and need explaining again and again.

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