
By kaanerdem

Out into the Wilderness

The two black points on the picture are what you should focus on. “What are those?” I hear you asking. At least that’s what I said before taking this shot. This photo, which is shot around my summerhouse isn’t just a source of curiosity for me, but a source to have some of your questions answered.
What stands in the frame is a domestic pig. Some people I’ve talked to thought they were disgusting, and some even said that they were the unnecessary creatures of the nature. Once I got such answer from those people I started thinking and asking myself “why do they think so”. Many of them were tired of living like the way they did and were obliged to do. Anything not fitting their routine would cause them difficulties, which would lead them to be tired and that’d be the last thing they want.
However, that’s not the way of thinking I have for these creatures. Those animals are free in my perspective. Only the rules of nature apply, and in this case “every animal is equal”. They’re patient. Maybe just thirty years ago, where they could walk along was thousands of kilometer squares larger but now we, human, live in those places and they accepted this change. Somehow, it was managed by them to adopt the conditions. And last but least, they aren’t the “aggressors” against human but the last one to attack. Only condition to make them attack is when you threaten them or their family, which in this case should’ve been thought about and decided whether you’re the aggressor or the domestic pig.

That’s why I like them. After taking this photo, I say to myself whether it’s necessary for us to become domestic pigs, rather than making them be more “human”.  All this lasts for fifteen seconds and suddenly I’m back to world with a shake from my “small moment” of thinking.

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