
By kaanerdem

Road of Erudition

Today, I asked myself a question. Why do I enjoy holidays this much? The possible answers were: there was no school and more sleep; the whole 24 hours belonged to me without any criteria for me to follow, I was able to travel. Even though, all examples were tough ones the true answer is because I was able to travel. Well what can be said further, my soul likes to be free and keep itself away from living monotonous? This picture above is taken in a small place called “Domatia” (where our summer house is) just on the opposite side of the Greek island Samos. Actually what you see on background, where the sun goes down is Samos indeed. Apart from taking photos of natural beauties, my other favorite thing to do in Domatia is to ride my bike and go as far as I can. Not in order to do some sport, but to have a faster way than to walk. Through my route, thousands of different views welcome me and it’d be almost impossible in case I’d walked. That’s why I prefer biking and besides I have much more time left over to talk with people from the village when I bike. Knowing some of those people living in the village was a great change and a tool to widen my world. In big cities, I often hear people accusing each other as being ignorant as a villager. But unfortunately, most of them even don’t know whom they’re addressing to whereas I go and talk to them, be friends with. Each time I have no school, every holiday I like being here, talking to these people and taking the biking route. Maybe I should consider calling this route as “Road of Erudition”. Here was the #smallmoment of the day, on the Road of Erudition.

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