Where are the Shepherds

Up early to take David to work. Weather was horrid driving rain and flooded roads but we got him there on time and were in Morrisons just after 8.30am. We choose the right time as it was fairly quiet, we did nt even need to queue and got most of what we needed with out going to Marks. We were given a £5 voucher so we went back and got a nice bunch of flowers for Christmas.
The parcels I sent have arrived down South so pleased about that too.
The house is looking very colourful now, presents wrapped, cards delivered, cupboards and fridge full of food so just some tidying to do and we'll be ready. Looking forward to decorating a Gingerbread house with David tomorrow and a Carol Service outside in the Cathedral tomorrow night. Hope it's dry !
We saw these sheep on the way home eating their neeps and looking very happy in their colourful fleeces.

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