
By CharlieBrown

Good Grief 96

Ok .... work done ... uneasy feeling about my supervisor but what do you do with bean counters ...
That feeling of lurching into the next 'frame' is upon me. And a general bewilderment ... but the next 'bit' is to face the long journey down with the prospect of over a week alone in mum and dad's house with dad's ashes downstairs. I am beginning to think I should take my husband's with me for company.
Just the sort of bizarre thoughts that get thrown up at bizarre times.
It will be strange but I expect it will be ok and loads for sis and I to sort, mum to visit and I've got tiddlywinks for her to endure and some giant Roald Dahl playing cards. She'll wonder what's hit her and probably think I'm Malcolm again ... I have no idea who Malcolm is or was or if he ever existed other than a random name that popped into mum's head. It is interesting though, some bit of the brain must have 'names' and recognised 'Malcolm' as a name and it gets thrown out there as a random guess probably without association. The mind continues to be the dark continent.

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