
Everything about us is rather splendidly unorthodox.
Our house is open to James' friends, who, like today, sit in our living room, playing guitar, being daft and not adjusting their conduct because I am there. That reassures me.
Ryan loves this monkey. We call him car monkey. Ryan calls him Jeff ("which spelling of Jeff/Geoff are you using, Ryan?" "whichever is easiest for me to spell!" - Ryan does not worry that he is dyslexic - it's not a barrier, just a hurdle to jump).
Corin has spent the day doing jobs around the house. Lots of things finished. New mirror hung. Bannister finally sorted (it moved rather too much) after living here for 9 years.
I have cooked, laundried (?) and wrapped presents.

7 years ago, Corin proposed to me whilst we sat in the bath on Christmas eve. We are currently sat in the bath again...I don't think he has any surprises planned....but if I knew, they wouldn't be a surprise! Haha

I hope your day tomorrow is a good one. I will be thinking of people I love for whom tomorrow will be difficult. I wish I could make everyone's sadnesses go away.

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