
There was the perfect atmospheric feel to the land of the dead in Greyfriars Kirkyard this morning when the haar lay smothering the city.

The gardeners were just visible in the mist lopping low branches off trees while other workers swept and tidied the driveway.
When I saw a besuited man get out of a car carrying a shiny new spade and some sort of wooden plaque, I was curious as to what was going on, and it transpired that Princess Anne was planting a tree later in the afternoon with that self same shiny new spade. I just hoped that she could see the ground in the gloom.

With no wind, there seemed little chance of the haar lifting before we drove with our visitors down to North Berwick and the Seabird Sanctuary for lunch.

There the tide was out and the view was mist, but eventually the sun did break through and we could stand licking ice creams in time honoured fashion while watching children in brightly coloured dinghies having a sailing lesson off the west sands, while others braved the paddling pool on the east sands.

Back in Edinburgh the mist still clung to the city, but as I type, it is slowly losing its grip as the sun makes a valiant attempt to break through.

It might just be possible to have our aperitifs outside before dinner.

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