Just Kiss Me!

We had thought that maybe we could try and make something vaguely resembling a snow poodle today - but you just never know with snow. When we got outside this morning, it was dry and powdery underneath and icy and frozen on top, not good for building anything at all. So we went for the first longer walkie since I got better, through the sheep meadows. I was on my flexi lead, because mum said we couldn't risk anything. Since everything interesting would be covered in icy snow I think it was maybe a bit unnecessary, but still, a nice walkie.

Going home we found this poodle-sized snowman with a very edible nose! Someone else had already helped themselves to a big chunk of it, but I was only allowed to kiss him and that was it. Why oh why do they build poodle-sized snowmen with edible noses if poodles are not meant to eat them??

In the afternoon, it turned colder and I had to wear my winter coat going out. We met my friend Stina the Tibetan spaniel and her mum, and also altopiano and G. I was happy and energetic and back in top shape!

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