Step Cautiously

By alixmarie11

That's a Lot of Words

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Well I didn't count how many pictures are right there, but I don't even think I know that many words. Granted a lot of the words would probably be the same. You know like a lot of "the's", "and's", and other articles and useless words that just take up space. Or are the thousand words supposed to be all descriptors? In which case I would assume there would be a lot of reduncency. And who the hell would want to sit through all of that. I know I wouldn't. Even with my own friends I find myself going in and out of their stories. Even the most exciting. And by this point in my post I'm sure I've lost most, if not all of those who actually started reading this.

But on another note, this is one of the collages I made or my wall next year where I will be living with my best friend Dorrie. Yes, like the fish. Apparently while I'm at it I should pick up a thesaurus too.

"A picture is worth a thousand words, but these leave me speechless."

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