Kicking back and Relaxing

I had work today, but took half a day in lieu for having worked away last week. My Dad had the girls this morning, and he took them on a walk to do errands, and also took them to the park. Spoiled them rotten with little treats on the way out and back. Amazing how people can be so different as grandparents to what they were as parents.

When I picked them up, I asked what they wanted to do. The Youngest is desperate for a Onesie like her sister got for her birthday, so she wanted to go and buy one. TWO shopping centres before we found one. When we came back home, they decided they wanted to go for a swim. Too cold for me, so I took my kindle along while they swam. Yay for swimming lessons and having some kind of fish gene!

Left them with their Dad tonight while I went to Zumba, and they conned him into making donuts for dessert. I'm absolutely cream crackered now...

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