
I've been blipping for nearly three years. I post most days, I now have over 1000 blips and it's become a great record of my life.

It's not essential, but it adds a lot of colour, and I sure would miss it if it wasn't here. I enjoy being able to to keep a photographic blip journal, and it has given me an opportunity to return to photography, a hobby I enjoyed for many years.  

We've all got used to things on the web being 'free', but we pay for them all somehow, through advertising or lack of control. I've invested a lot of time to blip and to photography over the past few years, and I reckon it's worth investing a bit of money in it too. 

So I've pledged to the future of Blip and I hope that it will continue, and that the community that has grown up around this simple idea continues to grow and thrive. 

I see that the pledges have almost reached 50% of the required total, which is great news and the future looks bright.  

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